The Open House- Is it worth it?
Open houses can be a real wast of time, or they can really drive up demand from potential buyers. We explain when and when not to hold an open house.
Do Open Houses Work? If you're selling a home, with or without a realtor, you might wornder do open houses work? Well, if an Open House works all depends on
Across time and space, man has been faced with a few questions so profound they span across generations: What is the meaning of life? Is there a God? and, of course, do open houses work?
Well… while some questions are easier to answer than others, not everything is as black and white as we might like. We might never know the answer to existential questions, that doesn’t mean that we can’t try to learn as much as possible about what is, actually, understandable.
If you’re selling, or thinking about selling your house, chances are you’ve thought about the marketing aspect and wondered – Do open houses work?
According to, an open house is “a time when sellers open their home so that numerous potential buyers can swing by and check it out with no appointment necessary.”
Some of these people might include: neighbors, people passing by, nosey neighbors, real estate agents, and possibly homebuyers. They all might have a different objective and be interested at a look inside your home. However, keep in mind, not everyone who wants to take a peak has good intentions.
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Marketing your home, highlighting the best features, and capturing enough legitimate attention to bring a seller a buyer is the main purpose of an open house.
If the seller has a listing agent, hosting an open house might be an expectation set by the seller(s). Most sellers paying someone a listing commission are likely to expect the listing agent to increase interest in their property and bring a valid buyer. Hosting an open house is one way to accomplish this.
If a seller chooses to go the for sale by owner route, instead of using a listing agent to market their property, they still might want to host an open house, too. If you are, or are thinking about selling for sale by owner, there are resources, like flat fee MLS services, available to increase the odds of finding a buyer.
Agents – If you have an overly enthusiastic agent about the desire to host an open house, there may be more to the enthusiasm than meets the eye. As a seller, you should know that listing agents benefit from open houses, too. During an open house, agents can use this time to meet new, prospective homebuyer leads and grow their business. A good agent will keep talking about the benefits of your house instead of only just using this time to promote themselves. Make sure you have someone you trust. For agents, promoting your house, while marketing themselves, helps them accomplish two tasks at once.
Sellers – The homeowner might benefit from an open house if a buyer comes about as a result. However, don’t expect it to happen. Some argue an open house is just lost time as most homes are bought during private showings. However, if you do host an open house, this is an opportunity for you to have set aside time to clearly stage, market, and tidy up your property.
Buyers – When is the last time you made an impulse purchase? Chances are you aren’t going to do this with a house by strolling in on a Sunday afternoon. The buyer could benefit from an open house if it just happens to be the house of their dreams. However, be prepared ahead of time that this scenario is unlikely.
Open houses have the potential of boom, but they can also bust. Your success depends on previous preparation.
Worst case scenario: You don’t get any offers, only a few show up, and you feel like it was a waste of time. However, if you use the index card method above, you’ll at least get feedback about the perception of your property, and how to market moving forward.
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Unless you live in a high wage and low cost of living area, chance are selling your home with, or without a realtor, might be a challenge. But, If you’re holding an open house in a high demand neighborhood where inventory is low, you are most likely to have the highest rate of success.
The whole point of an open house is to market and stage your property properly to entice a potential buyer. As a result, being creative, and knowing the best features and benefits of your property to highlight is your best bet.
Open houses can be a real wast of time, or they can really drive up demand from potential buyers. We explain when and when not to hold an open house.
A cleaning checklist for open houses is a great tool to give clients to ensure they are adequately preparing thier homes for an open house.
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